
If you're a prospective Investor at any level looking for the next Big New Thing or an Entrepreneur with a great business idea that needs investment and expertise, apply here.

We're transforming the way Entrepreneurs and Investors are matched. We pair the right Investor with the right Investment based on detailed profile and investment requirements because we understand a good Investor relationship is essential to success.

"you don't need a fire-breathing dragon to get your business off the ground!"

What makes us different? It's not just about money! Our Investors offer much more!




Access to wider teams and supply chain

I'm looking for the next Big New Thing

I'm looking for Investors to fund my Big New Thing

Investor Expertise

Our Investors have a wealth of expertise that can benefit your investments. We pair investors with investments based on their individual requirements. 

Investor Contacts

Its often difficult for Entrepreneurs to get their Big New Things infront of the right people. Our Investors have established contacts that makes it easier for you to get your foot in the door.

Investor Support

Our Investors are invested in you, with this you get support from experienced business Tycoons

Access to wider teams and supply chain

Some of our Investors have access to wider teams and supply chain that aren't readily available to fledgling businesses. is new, as an early bird incentive there will be no upfront costs to register as an Investor or Entrepreneur - take advantage while you can, register today.